Green Infrastructure Planning

Green Infrastructure Planning

Green infrastructure management is a holistic approach for managing runoff from rain and snowmelt. Instead of flowing into nearby bodies of water, green infrastructure interventions serve to slow down the flow of water, spread it out over as much surface area as possible, and let it soak in to the ground – mimicking the natural water cycle.

Project Highlight

Joan Plisko discussing the health and wellness benefits of
Green Infrastructure.

Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC, provided services to MedStar Harbor Hospital for developing and implementing a Green Infrastructure Master Plan over a five-year project period. In partnership with a multi-stakeholder team of non-profit, consulting, and government organizations, PSS was part of a team awarded a $1.2 million dollar grant. The project was completed in 2019. PSS involvement in this award-winning project included:

  • Conceptualizing the project
  • Developing education materials for hospital executives and associates on the connection between stormwater, green infrastructure, and health
  • Creating a decision tool to prioritize options
  • Researching the health impacts of Green Infrastructure
  • Conducting educational tours to promote the installed interventions