5 R’s of a Sustainable Thanksgiving

5 R’s of a Sustainable Thanksgiving

~Take time to offer thoughtful thanks and action to earth, to family and friends, and to land inhabitants that came before you. ~

REDUCE: As you plan and set the stage for your holiday meal: strive for zero waste; eliminate the use of plastic and single use items; buy only what you need and repurpose or freeze your leftovers; and compost food scraps

REUSE: Create a simple and elegant mood by incorporating natural items into your decor. Examples include: acorn napkin ring; apple candleholders; cinnamon stick place cards; pinecone wreath; and tree slice cake stand

RETHINK: Consider where your food comes from and the energy, water, people, and other resources needed to bring it to your table: the carbon footprint of a 16-pound turkey creates a total of 34.2 pounds of CO2 — the same amount produced by turkey gravy, cranberry sauce, roasted brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, rolled biscuits and apple pie combined; eat less meat and turkey to reduce your carbon footprint; and buy from local farmers to reduce your carbon footprint and support the local economy.

RESPECT: Help others, honor history, and speak out for change: volunteer at local food banks, homeless shelters, or other places where people need support; donate money, groceries, or prepared food to those who need it — all year round; learn more about the history of the Wampanoag Indian tribe’s relationship with the Pilgrims; and advocate for change and uplift the voices of indigenous people.

RENEW: Take time to renew and reconnect with yourself, your family and friends, and the natural world: forgo Black Friday and Cyber Monday; give to a charity of your choice; and spend time outdoors.