

Are you interested in creating a healthier, more productive workplace? Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC can help your organization apply Fitwel to your buildings.

What is Fitwel?

Fitwel is a building rating system that provides guidelines on how to design and operate healthier buildings for people occupying the space (i.e., employees, guests). Created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the General Services Administration, Fitwel is based on the premise that health is an interconnected system.

Fitwel includes over 55 evidence-based design and operational strategies geared to improving health for building occupants. Fitwel does not have prerequisites, which allows the certification system to be more easily applicable to both new and existing projects.

We’ve done it before; and we can do it again! Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC will work with your organization in crafting a strategy and implementation process for becoming Fitwel certified!