Community Service
Community Service
From across the region to up the street, Joan has spearheaded and participated in programs and served on boards as a civic and professional duty:
Joan currently serves as the Co-Chair of the Education Committee for the Catonsville Women’s Giving Circle. She completed terms on the Board of Directors of the Baltimore Tree Trust and Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC is a member organization of the Greater Baltimore Wilderness Coalition. It was an honor and a privilege for Joan to serve on the Chesapeake Bay Trust Diversity and Inclusion Committee for four years.
Joan, formerly known as the Garbage Queen, took great pride when she served on the Board of Directors for the Maryland Recycling Network whose mission is to promote sustainable reduction, reuse and recycling in Maryland. Joan also served on the Maryland Department of Health’s Medical Waste Workgroup.
At its inception, Joan served as the founding chair of Baltimore County’s Commission on Environmental Quality. From 2019 through 2021 Joan again served the CEQ in its mission to encourage protection and preservation of the natural environment in the County and its waterways, including the Chesapeake Bay. Joan served on the Board of Directors for NeighborSpace of Baltimore County, is a member of the Baltimore County Green Alliance, and previously served on the Committee of Principles for Builders for the Bay Roundtable Initiative.
For Baltimore City, Joan was an active participant in the Department of Planning’s Disaster Preparedness and Planning Project (DP3) as well as the Department of Public Works Storm Water Advisory Committee.
An ardent believer and practitioner of the phrase Think Global, Act Local, Joan founded the Green Club in her children’s elementary school in, started the Trash-to-Treasure aspect of the annual neighborhood clean-up day, formed a wind energy buying cooperative, spearheaded and continues to operate a local farm egg buying collective (for over a decade), and has been an member of the Catonsville Women’s Giving Circle since its inception in 2010.