Written Word
Written Word
Creating easy to understand, accurate, and timely documentation will help ensure project success. It can be difficult to find time for creating quality content. Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC will help you get the word out about your sustainable successes. We translate your complex project into easy to digest written word that showcases your story and team. We want to make you an expert in your field. Here’s how we do it:
Educational Material: Effective educational material is essential for every organization. Educational material will keep sustainable policies, programs, and projects top of mind for employees, green team members, community partners and more. Educational material will help stakeholders weave the tenets of sustainability into all aspects of their jobs and operations. Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC will incorporate your customized messaging into educational material for employees, for presentations, for funders, and others.
Articles: There are so many ways for you to promote your work through the written word. You can publish in a trade publication, present at a conference, or submit to a scholarly journal. It’s overwhelming and can be very time consuming to find the right option for your organization. As your sustainability partner, Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC will examine options to help you determine what is the best one for you, your intended audience, and your budget. Our goal is to put you into the most appropriate publication or conference as possible.
Here is an example For the Clean Collaborative project, where Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC was the lead author on a scholarly article published in the American Journal of Infection Control — Reducing environmental surface contamination in healthcare settings: A statewide collaborative.
Case Studies: Have you ever wondered why organizations invest in case studies? The short answer is everyone loves stories. Case studies highlight experience and real-life results. They can paint a picture and evoke emotions that give your topic everlasting memory. Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC will work with you to create the story of your organization’s project or program using data and results as the backbone. Case Studies will position your organization as an authority on the subject matter and explain how a solution is created to solve a problem.
Grant Writing: Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC is adept at writing grant applications. We will work with you and your team in planning the strategy, writing the content, and submitting the grant application for your proposed project. We have worked with corporate and foundation grant processes and applications and can guide your success.