When was the last time you were in a hospital as a patient, visitor, or worker? Can you recall what the atmosphere was like? Hospitals are meant to be places of health and wellbeing – where you go to get better. Intuitively it would seem that hospitals be aesthetically pleasing, soothing, environmentally healthy, and sustainable.
However, in the United States, hospitals have a huge environmental and climate footprint – they collectively use eight percent of all energy consumed and seven percent of all water used in commercial and institutional facilities. Imagine if that were all to change…
Imagine walking through healing gardens to get to the main entrance. You notice solar panels on the main roof and a green roof too. The hospital strives for zero waste and serves locally sourced nutrient dense foods in the cafeteria and in patient rooms. Imagine a hospital that improves the living conditions in communities the hospital serves; and supports a community garden as well.
With over fifteen years guiding healthcare facilities, Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC is seasoned in the field of healthcare sustainability. We will work with you to develop and implement the right plan for your facility, your project, and your goals.
From policy development, to green team facilitations, waste prevention, energy conservation, reducing toxic materials, and more, we will development customized approaches for improved health, wellness and sustainability.